New T.W. Poll – By now the bulk of Twang Wang iG 1-17 material should be out there. To recap, it has been a testing group to gauge what people like and doing different designs. I still plan to add more designs and girls to the list but its crunch time for the 1st batch. Though I’ve not updated and worked on as many alt versions as I had wished, at least the current material is released so far – just judge on whats been done so far ^^
Multi Vote – So this poll is to vote which from the list of characters you like the most. You can VOTE ON MULTIPLE GIRLS that you ENJOYED THE MOST. This will tell me you’d like to see more of the character OR generally you liked the look of the gape design.
Selective Voting – All are welcome to vote on as many as you wish, BUT TRY and pick only the ones you REALLY enjoyed seeing. Doesn’t mean ones you didn’t vote on you hate, but more these characters or their designs you REALLY enjoyed, top ones you enjoyed.
..::..::..::.. Previous Poll Feedback ..::..::..::..::..
Weak Theme? – Thanks once more to everybody who voted as always. It’s not been one of the stronger level of votes over the time its lasted, probably because it comes over as a weak / simple question. But thats also telling, I’m really getting a feeling for what people who view this site expect and come to find.
Feedback – So from the last polls result its pretty conclusive that voters mostly favour the messy, crank it to 11 results and want it far more excessive than realistic. I have no problem with this at all – goes with my Futa BG art, but it has been most interesting to get backup from a crowd to say I should continue onwards with it. Thanks once more voters!