So I’m finally getting around to doing what I said I would and release some of the older works I have. It’s enlightening and horrid at the same time now I’ve started…. but again, no point sitting on my hard drive doing nothing – so might as well be out there inflicting pain on others ^_^
You can see they will have in the title ‘Foundation Collection’ in the title can tags to help spot them as being older or more dated works, ether to know curiously what to expect when looking or stay the hell away if you hate it.
They will be pretty horrid in some ways, I can find fault with so much going on in these images (so you won’t need to moan to me about the quality – I know already >_<) BUT… there is something to be said for reflection. I can see things I miss about my old art work, ideas that where well done and things I’m glad I moved away from.
These images will NOT replace the current releases, just more filling in space and giving you content when it maybe quiet.
Also to start the earlier posts will be released and the more modern ones will creep in after.
I can re-use some of the ideas here or maybe old characters if you like them – That old thumbs up is always there if you dig the ideas on the image page to let me know you like it esp if you don’t want to say so on my friendly discord group.
Looking to release some shortly but otherwise hope you find something of interest in my old old works and ideas. Enjoy! (and BTW, I am kinda dreading this, please show mercy!)