It’s time to release something NEW… and from the beginning – LET’S GO!!
Introducing a Honey Select Edit otherwise as a H.S.E.! I’ve mentioned them in a post before – around about >> HERE << in fact; but that was a little time ago. So I want to explain a touch more since they have come out a long way since but the basics are still the same. After this I’ll let the art do the talking as I release the ones I can in sequense but I want to explain whats going on here least to begin.

These where created for and supported by Patreon and it’s amazing supporters – please consider joining to help make more going forwards – Thank you ^_^
H.S.E. ?
So in short H.S.E. Are a similar concept to photomanipulations in that you paint over something and blend one thing into another. But a photomanip takes parts and imagery from another image and carefully the creator changes it to try and fit on… but this… is quite different.
This is painting in top of the image and being careful with the blends and making her monster pussy and any modifications look seamless or like it was part of the image from the start.
With some luck it would look like its a 3d model with the pussy naturally attached. But it’s not at all a model at all, its created out of thin air using the CG colouring skills I mastered and got confidence with when painting my normal art and could move it over to this!
Model Additions?
Now there is Honey Select art with mods and changes done directly on the model for sure and you can make life much easier for doing so, with the work pre-done and parts slapped on and all that good stuff all you need do it pose her and job done. If I was to use an example it would be friend and cheese lover Cymic44 who helped me see this mad idea happen from his advice and knowledge (legend)…
And he has works that do just this, and their not half bad at all – like seriously, go check out his stuff. But there are limits with what you can do with these things as posing can be limiting, you can’t easily change the colours on the plug in pussy and sometimes the bigger it gets the more obvious the 3D model is. It certainly has some BIG pros, but also some BIG cons too.
So this was done to make each version unique and looks less static and also any changes over time would be much more striking as I can change it’s look and feel for sure and have done in future art to come. It takes time to do it well but not so long compared to normal art, thats for sure!
I had such a basic basic grasp of how to use Honey Select (The name of the program itself – which is a porn game that has been modified to allow for these poses through mods) at the time and not that it mattered but even looking at the pose remember how happy I was to even get the basics of her looking like this and seemed quite a challenge back then.
This image proved it not only worked but would save my bacon for when I needed work out and art would take too long – so this had impact and look good and be a crowd pleaser. While not able to replicate artistic style, the freedom to change her pussy up would be a great half way house and saw material done that may have been missed if I tried to draw it (and lacked the time)

Above is a example of colour clash and models not very subtlely looking out of place. Again this can be fixed and easily… but I’m hoping the painted on bits blend and work to save any troubles like this happening.
I’d also like the point you in the direction of my good friend Cymic44 who helped with getting this setup but who was inspired by my art to begin as mentioned – so it’s gone full circle and come back around once more, lol. Anyhow CymicX has a patreon too and while he uses static giany pussy models (which are good but have their limitations) he’s produced many fine and fun gaper girls too that you may like – so please check him out on his > Patreon < – or see his discord >> HERE <<