This is Released Reactions ( .com) / ( Host to Sius (San)'s Artworks.

The artistry of this site focuses on hermaphrodites, extreme exaggerations, modifications of the body, regions of surreal insertions; stretching and gaping of orifices as well as other unusual elements.
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// My God This Place Needs Some Attention //

RR Mk2 Portal Graphic


RR Mk2 Portal Graphic


RR Mk2 Portal Graphic

Wow - It's been a while huh... yeah...maybe say 8 - 10 years or something maybe? Time is a scary thing, it flashes before your every eyes in an instant and then life comes at you and.... well... lets just say this update is slightly overdue... like a library book or something. So let's begin...

TL;DR - I've started a Patreon for my works, both Futanari and Gaping material from iGAPES is on there. There will be some free content in time but much of the good stuff is on Patreon. Please consider supporting me!


Where Have I Been? - Well many felt I was dead and this place was finished. I never intended to actually ignore this place at all and had made some futa material made and ready to go... but it didn't ever happen as you all know. When loading it up I tried that in 2017 sometime... ¬_¬ good god.

Still working on iGAPES - So this won't be everybodies jam, people who just like futanari and not gapers maybe not aware but I have been on another website I made called . I've been working on content there and while the last few years where white with posts I have been making stuff all this time.

I've got a Patreon as you can see above. It should have come out years ago but life happened. But now I'm in a position where I do spend the time and do justice to the artwork made.

Further Patron Questions and Answers - These can be found on my iGAPES website for now. I was going to do it on released reactions but honestly I don't have the time right now to make a whole new section just to repeat the content said. Have a look at here for a few links to information about the patreon and if you enjoy my work I feel you'll be pleased with my newest designs.

I've been working on material for the Patreon for many years and while much isn't coloured; the backlog is.... large. And along the way I figured I'd do both gaping and futanari content as it's all work from me and some people don't mind the cross over - so for now you get the best of both worlds.

In time I hope to make the new material have it's own new place away from this old old website. It is a relic and I'll preserve my old art but I'll move away from this old design and make something awesome and new. So as material gets released for free and such I'll be posting it here, but in a new area..

Discord Group - So while I'm here I also created a discord group to share random works with people, communication and more. It was made as a hyper vagina gaper focused themed group (from iGAPES) 1st but has futa in there for sure these days - and we have separated the furry and the non-furry (human) material out. So come join in / The Expanded Desires Discord Group.

Giga Projects - My Giga packs are stil available to pick up still if your interested and I am pleased to continue working on more content. More details about the first pack HERE and Maybe re picking up steam for a 2nd Giga pack down the line (Patreon perks hint hint). ^_^

I hope in a few months time the new material will be here and I'll set up the new webspace and this place can start to have some more content flowing out once more.... Till then, well, thank you for your patience and hope to see some of you over there.

:-: M.B.A.P. - (Multi Breast Art Page) has had to stop -_-

M.B.A.P. Is A Closed - Tis with great regret that I've had to force Tina's MBAP off this server because of over use. Been awesome hosting the works here, but after a notice from my host saying something would need to be done or all the hosting would cease I've had little choice.

What Now? - There is the yahoo group, but no website ATM - will update as I know more.

Doom and Gloom - I actually am hoping to release and get some work out on a little something I have in mind soon, HOPEFULLY anyhow. Just sorry this had to be done at all, but really my hands are tied on this one. - Sius. Sep '12

Pawn For The Masses

Jimmys - Hay all, so what with the new year coming around I'm trying to force myself to release new art for this and my iGAPES website on a regular basis, more like it used to be. It's not been easy, but I'm pleased so far with results and finding time where there was none before - Saying that, this update is late by 2 weeks, ha!

Pictures - You all must have offered enough sacrifices(?!) or something for the gods to smile upon me for enough time to do two images. Fun to do some futa pictures for a change I have to admit and while no idea where the time came from, but I used it well! Enjoy

Releases - Though iGapes will have much more content released for it I'm still hoping to get back to drawing more RR material too. Otherwise, will try and keep this up as much as can be and will maybe mention the secret project as time passes if things continue to go well, so watch this space. Sius Feb '12


Believe it or not keeping material like this on the internet is very costly.
I enjoy producing material for the site but I can't continue without help of kind fans who are willing to contribute to keep the material flowing.

If you enjoy what's on this website and want to help the artist continue please consider helping with a small fanatical offering. Even small amounts are graciously received and all help out tremendously!

There are also perks to donating to the site with extra donation material yours for being kind and helping out the cause. It's the least I can do as a thanks in return.

For more information please see the Donate page here.
Thank you in advance!

Website Linking

Please use one of the following image banners if you wish to link my site - it is free link and is appreciated if you could link to .

Released Reactions Banner 01

Released Reactions Banner 02

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All creations are copyright to Sius (San) under the "Creative Commons" copyright act.
No modification, displaying or selling is authorized without the authors consent.